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Printed Kids Umbrellas

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  • 0_340kg
  • 0_319kg
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  • 0_340kg
  • 0_319kg
  • Red
  • Grey
  • Blue
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Kids Umbrellas

Fact is that kids also have a voice with regards to market perception of your product. Imagine a scenario where a child chooses a product because inside the packet, there are fun facts, trivia questions, toys or cartoon posters they can hang in their bedrooms. Unlike our promotional golf umbrellas, kids umbrellas have a short stem and are usually a lot lighter for ease of use.

Kids are great ambassadors for your brand

As a parent, your concern is definitely your kids’ happiness. As a result, giving them priority definitely affects your buying decisions in most cases, especially on products that have a significant effect on the children. It’s against this backdrop that as a business owner, you understand that kids are great brand building blocks, who give raw, brutally honest, yet innocent opinions about a brand. Consequently, a parent will believe that the one who gave their child the overly cute and awesome umbrella is the best brand around.

How To Get It Right With Kids Umbrellas

Since kids are fond of cute accessories, which they’ll proudly carry around and flaunt to their friends and the public, you need to get it right when customising kids umbrellas. Ensure that the umbrellas are imprinted in bright colours, complementing your brand message with adorable animals or cartoons, and also choose a great style, shape and design that’ll make it their favourite umbrella, which they can show off and lend to people to read the brand message, at school, kids camps, kids events or when they accompany their parents . Once this is done, take advantage of happy events such as the office end year Christmas party where Santa can gift the kids, at birthday parties, tradeshows, school visits, or fancy dress parties.

Don’t over focus on cuteness and design, however, forgetting that these kids also have parents who in addition to them giving their kids’ joy a priority, are keen on the quality of promotional personalised products they receive. This means that you need to also focus on the quality of kids umbrellas.

Options For Kids Umbrellas At Umbrella Store

At umbrella store, our kids umbrellas have 8mm shaft, to comfortably fit into their tiny fragile hands, chrome fibreglass ribs covered with reflective piping for their safety, which is also enhanced by safety tops and tips. Additionally, since kids easily lose their items, we have fitted name tags where parents can write their kids’ details, for easier tracking when they get lost.